You, Me and Optimus Prime – James Struthers

You, Me and Optimus Prime - James Struthers

Petite pause musicale avec James Struthers et sa balade « You, Me and Optimus Prime ».


Production Company: Funk Factory Films
Artist: James Struthers
Talent: Jay Netka (Optimus Prime)
Producer: Chelsea Stier
Director: Funk Brothers
Cinematography: Funk Brothers
Editor: Steve McClean
Sound Design: Unbridled Sound
Sound Designer: Brent Kiser
VFX: The Base Studio
VFX Producer: Jordan Freda
Color: Ntropic
Colorist: Marshall Plante
Song Produced and Mixed by: Arun Chaturvedi
Song Mastered by: H-Bomb Studios

Clothing by French Kings Clothiers:


I always wondered if I could be your Captain Thunder
You’d be my lighting… Together we’d be so frightening
In the playpen we’d stay then fighting crime until bed time
One more story I implore thee, but please won’t you leave the night light on

You, Me and Optimus Prime
We’d have a real good time
And if you would like to grow up you just shouldn’t show up

We could live in a castle by the sea if you please
We’d hold off the siege, we could fight the cavalry
All the lego would say oh you two should act your age
So put away those horses and play thrones while mother is on the phone

You, Me and Optimus Prime
We’d have a real good time
And if you would like to grow up you just shouldn’t show up

And when we get older I’ll become a soldier
But you’ll wait and I’ll get home safe
We can pick it up where we left it off

We could have our friends over for tea nightly
Biscuits from the easy bake on your birthday a DQ cake
And some snowcones I should think so, big league chew I know
Blowing bubbles make it double but don’t let it pop or we might get in trouble

You, Me and Optimus Prime
We’d have a real good time
And if you would like to grow up you just shouldn’t show up


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Alexandre Bonazzi

J'ai fait des études en droit et j'ai travaillé pendant 30 ans dans une société d'études et de conseil en marketing. Aujourd'hui, j'encadre la ligne éditoriale de NeozOne. Geek et Nerd depuis ma naissance, je suis passionné par les nouvelles technologies, la High-tech et la pop culture en général. J'ai fondé le site NeozOne en 1999 et depuis je partage avec vous mes astuces, mes tests et quelques fois mes humeurs, je modère également les commentaires de NeozOne. Je suis par ailleurs amateur de cinéma, série TV, les jeux de plateaux et les jeux de rôles. N'hésitez pas à me contacter directement par courrier électronique pour toute question

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